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Proxy Voyager giveaway olarak 28 Nisan 2009 tarihinde sunulmuştu
Proxy Voyager ile internette kendinizi gizleyerek sörf yapın. Belli baız sitelere girerken kendinizle ilgili özel bilgilerin kaydedilmemesini istiyorsanız bu program tam aradığınız uygulama. ProxyVoyager ile farklı proxy sunucuları arasında otomatik geçiş de yapabiliyorsunuz.
Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008
0.98 MB
You might want to check out http://torproject.org if you want another alternative. Tor is slower than a single jump proxy but is acclaimed in security circles for its relatively robust anonymity compared to a one-hop proxy (or switching among one-hop proxies).
Tor's client is free. The Tor Project is a US 501[c][3] charity, and an open source project. The software is promoted by Reporters Without Borders, Global Voices Online, Human Rights Watch, and many organizations who work with human rights, journalism, whistleblowers and so on where anonymity can be a matter of livelihood or safety.
Shava Nerad
Development Director
The Tor Project
(former executive director)
I searched Google and there isn't much info, let alone any reviews, on Proxy Voyager. It does what it's supposed to do, but it takes up more RAM thatn I wanted to. Here here are some alternatives to consider:
There is a Firefox Add-on called FoxyProxy that does pretty much the same thing. It gets over 50k downloads per week from the Mozilla website. You can also try SwitchProxy. I recommend checking those out. BetterPrivacy is also great for protecting privacy on the web.
Since the Tor Project is posting here, and many people don't understand the implications of using these types of applications, you should read the Tor security warnings carefully.
Confusing-doesn't work for me. It has a "start with windows" option, at least. Also, the help contents won't open, and the you can still press "order" in the help menu even when you've activated the product.
@1-Denny - This will appear un-intuitive to almost everyone.
You will need to read the help file (I could open it in the program - can you open the help file directly?). The options to configure the product "appear" by right clicking on the upper or lower section of the program screen. Again - the program is explained in the helpfile.
@9 - Biznog,
There is a "brief" help file that does explain the workings of the software.
(default filename C:\Program Files\Proxy Voyager\help.chm )
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registration key istiyor 15 günlük deneme sürümü diyor- unregistered -nasıl ücretsiz tam sürüm bu ??????
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