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Productivity Scientific GTD Timer giveaway olarak 23 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde sunulmuştu
Productivity Scientific GTD Timer ile yapacağınız işleri hiç bir zaman unutmayın!
Hayatınızı planlamak için kullanabileceğiniz bu uygulama sizi hem motive ediyor hem de hiç bir şeye geç kalmamanızı garanti altına alıyor.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
2.15 MB
$ 29.99
Outlook Attachment Security Administrator is a simple and effective tool to manage attachment security settings for Microsoft Outlook e-mail messaging software. Key features: allows you to get access to any file type in attachment blocked by Microsoft Outlook; allows you to restrict access to any file type in attachments; supports multiple MS Outlook versions and installations on one computer.
All My Stuff for Windows Phone 7 is a free application which helps to organize all your stuff: clothing, books, gadgets, discs, music, videos, software and anything else. Just add an item to collection, use camera to take a photo of it, download an image from the Internet or leave it default. Then give it a title, short description, choose category and location.
For users who perhaps haven't heard of GTD or The Pomodoro Technique there are a lot of sites with material discussing the concepts.
The free book on the Pomodoro Technique is available at - http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/
The homepage of the GTD creator David Allen is http://www.davidco.com/ and there is a lot of free material available although you may have to create a free account on the site before you will be able to download.
Wikisummaries - Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity. Link
@3 Hard Water - Keeping GTD Timer simple is indeed our first priority - it is quite a mature app with multiple usage scenarios and flexible configuration. We allow users to modify look of the timer in terms of colors, fonts and sounds but skins and so on doesn't fit well in GTD's main idea - because it just doesn't help you to get your things done, maybe it even distracts you from your tasks.
And it's really not so easy to produce a software which looks simple. In terms of software engineering just raw code base of GTD Timer is more than 10 thousand lines of source code. This doesn't include prototyping, modifying, debugging, designing, testing, website development and support and so on. It took years of development based on user feedback to get the software on a level where it is now. You can google to find out how much does it really cost, you will be very surprised with a price level of a such job. :)
Also setting prices in software industry is extremely difficult task. Lowering prices doesn't mean that growing number of users will cover your expenses. Current price for GTD Timer has been set in a result of experiments when we tried to find balance with income and expenses. And yes, people who value their time pay for it and thank us for developing GTD Timer.
BTW: Home license is cheaper.
The overwhelming negative responses is really not fair to the makers of this software. It is like hiding behind your keyboard and making inflammatory remarks to someone online. You came here looking for free software. At least be courteous enough to try it before giving it a thumbs down. With only 10 comments and 100 votes, why would you vote on something you have never tried? I am a retired user and don't find a need for this program. Downloading it would be a waste of time. If you are like me and are not interested in today's giveaway, just exit out and come back tomorrow. I am here daily, and have never voted either way before trying a GOTD offer.
Dear GOTD users,
I am glad to offer you GTD Timer 2012 Professional – first on the market software timer entirely focused on Getting Things Done. Hope you’ll find it useful to you.
Though this GOTD edition of the software does not differ from a commercial one, users of it are not eligible for future updates and free support. So, just for a limited period of time we are offering a 50% discount to receive a full license for GTD Timer 2012 of any edition – just use coupon code “GOTD” when buying a license. Thank you, and your questions are welcomed.
Please add ideas to idea informer - most voted ideas will be implemented in future releases for sure even if it will be skins. :) Someday on GOTD website you will receive this features for free with a promotion of a next version of GTD Timer.
Also I see many votes against the software. Why not to tell in comments why you don't like it? It really doesn't designed to bring coffee to bed or to convert video files from one format to another. Just tell here what exactly you don't like in GTD Timer 2012 as a software countdown timer and we will fix it.
Metin bey.
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Merhaba arkadaslar ben metin.Ben kendim karar aldim Key vermeyen Programlari protesto ediyorum.Cunku key olmaz ise mesela boyle hayatinin gunlerini programlayacagin bir program kendini yenileyip bir ust guncellenmesi cikinca kullandigin program key'siz program oluyor ve hersey sacma bir hal aliyor.Surekli seni uyarip rahatsiz ediyor.Yani isin kisasi ve ozu cok sacma madem birsey veriyorsunuz adam akilli versenizde insanlar kullansa vede arkadaslarina tavsiye etse ama siz boyle programi veriyorsunuz 3 gun sonra kendini guncelliyor ve key olmadigi icin hapi yutuyorsunuz.Ben boyle sacma sapan is yapan programlari protesto ediyorum.Sizde oyle yapin negatif verin.Key veren program firmalari aptalmi sanki key vermeyene gore.Tesekkurler Giveawayoftheday Size bir sozum yok hayranim size.
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