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AVI Toolbox 2.0 giveaway olarak 24 Ağustos 2012 tarihinde sunulmuştu
AVIToolbox, video bölme, ses çıkartma, resim yakalama ve çok daha fazlasını yapabilen bir video işleme aracıdır!
Program hakkındaki yorumlarınız ve bilgi alışverişi için: CHIP Online Forum
Windows 95, NT, 2000, XP (x32/x64), 98, ME, Server 2003 (x32/x64), Vista, 7
7.70 MB
SUMo, which stands for Software Update Monitor. Thanks to SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software! Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
KCleaner is designed to be the most efficient Hard Disk cleaner, tracking every useless byte in order to give you all the ressources you may need for your documents, music, pictures, movies, etc. It is the first product of this kind featuring a full automatic mode, which works in background so that you don't have to care about when to launch it.
VideoInspector is a tool designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files. With VideoInspector you'll know why your video files has no sound or refuses to play correctly. VideoInspector will help you installing the required CoDecs (coder/decoder software) for an optimal performance. VideoInspector can also inspect your system to find which codecs are available, and it can also process multiple video files and export its result in HTML or plain text files.
Zer0 is a user friendly file deletion tool with a high level of security. With Zer0, you'll be able to delete files and to prevent file recovery by a 3rd person. So far, no user reported an efficient method to recover a file deleted by Zer0.
@ maynak00
Please don't do the same old nonsense like Mr. Knowitall.
Your list of programmes is long, but what makes all those tools better than today's giveaway?
Why should I trust your opinion?
I can google all by myself, I don't need a random list of software.
When you have some experience in editing video, please share your knowledge.
I would be thankful for a profound review and some tips.
Thanks to the developer for giving away one more of his programmes.
all listed tools better than this tool:
freeware alternatives: Avidemux, FFCoder, Pazera Free Audio Extractor, YAMB + mp4box, tsDemux, MKV Toolnix, MKVcleaver, MKVExtractGUI, FLVExtract
non-free alternatives: Boilsoft Video Splitter, Boilsoft Video Joiner, Boilsoft Video Cutter
thanks to freeware developers !
In defense of any developer featured here I applaud your tenacity in putting your creations (children) up for a chance for consumers to have a go at it. Please take all criticism with a grain of salt if it isn't constructive or informative. Sometimes the GAOTD crowd can be brutish and rather uncouth to say the least, but there are some here who appreciate your giving us a chance even if we remain silent. I personally have found numerous offerings here that were just what I needed even if I didn't know it at the time. I am familiar with the video inspector product you have and it worked as advertised and I have no qualms about trying this offering. I have similar programs that provide essentially the same functions as AVIToolbox, but I am always willing to give another program a tryout to see if maybe it uses less resources or has a smaller footprint. It seems much of today's "box" software is bloated well beyond it's original intended use. Regardless of the negativity faced sometimes, I ask you to please keep striving for what you see as a good product at a fair price. Again Thank You.
I like that you list freeware alternatives. If my computer crashes, then I can't continue to use the GAOTD version - so knowing freeware versions helps me if I need them.
I think your comment with nonsense and Mr Knowitall are harsh. In reality, you told us nothing of value - maynak00 did ... yet you criticise him for saying nothing of value.
If it counts, I have had problems with this giveaway too. I got the “Check Video Codecs” error.
Sorry,Yesterdays Giveaway and today's will have to be deleted as the Setup GCD file will not open.Looks like you have lost me GOODBYE
Dear imbu,
you should run Setup.exe to install the software. Just make sure you extract Setup.exe and Setup.gcd to the same folder on your PC.
Thank you,
GOTD team
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