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Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013 Giveaway
$39.99 (for WinOptimizer 10)

Giveaway of the day — Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013 modern teknoloji, verimlilik, güvenlik ve sezgisel işleme becerilerine sahip bir program.
$39.99 (for WinOptimizer 10) SÜRESI DOLMUŞ
Kullanıcı puanı: 563 8 yorumlar

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013 giveaway olarak 3 Nisan 2013 tarihinde sunulmuştu

Bugün Giveaway of the Day
Bugün bedava
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013, daha önceki versiyonları gibi modern teknoloji, verimlilik, güvenlik ve sezgisel işleme becerilerine sahip bir program.


  • Bakım: Hard disk aygıtınızın sağlık durumunu analiz ederek, problemleri ilk safasında tespit edebilmekte ve oluşabilecek harddisk bozukluklarından kaynaklanabilecek veri kaybını engellemektedir.
  • Optimizasyon: Güncel algoritmalar sayesinde tüm bakım işlemlerinin otomasyonunda mükemmel performans sağlar. Bu da daha ayrıntılı çözümler elde edilmesini ve en sık kullanılan modül ve fonksiyonların hızlı bir şekilde yürütülmesini sağlamaktadır.
  • Arayüz: Gelişmiş arayüzü sayesinde tüm önemli fonksiyon ve özelliklere hızlı erişim sağlayan rakipsiz homojen bir işleme kapasitesine sahiptir.  Devamlılık sağlayan sezgisel işleme becerisi sağlanma konusunda anlatımlar ve görüntüler program beraberinde gelmektedir.
  • Güvenlik: Windows çöp kutusu için direkt link ve detaylı bilgi sağlayarak tamamen silinmiş veri durumlarında gelişmiş performans ve işleme becerisine sahiptir.
  • Genel: Her modül için 100 den fazla geliştirme.

Sistem Gereksinimleri:

Windows XP, Vista, 7


Ashampoo GmbH & Co

Web sayfası:


Dosya boyutu:

19.6 MB


$39.99 (for WinOptimizer 10)

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP
Developed by Baidu, Inc.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013 üzerine yorumlar

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Ashampoo'nun free cd burner'ini kullanmıştım ve kullandığım en güzel free programdı...

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güzel bir program

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Programa gelince işini fazlasıyla yapıyor
Tavsiyem Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10

Yanıt   |   Tasci tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (0)

Bu program piyasada 39.99 USD (WinOptimizer 10 için) fiyatla satılıyor, ama bizim ziyaretçilerimiz için kısa bir süre için ücretsiz!

Verdiğiniz program kısıtlı sürüm
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013 Setup
Dosya boyutu:19,9 mb
Orjinal sürüm:Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10
Dosya boyutu: 28,8 mb
Buyrun kararı siz verin !!!!!
Üsteki reklam sürümü yani tanıtım bu yüzden boyutları farklı

Yanıt   |   Tasci tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (0)
Yorum ekle
Öne çıkan İngilizce yorumlar

Well, I believe that products like this GAOTD are very GOOD only for the AVERAGE JOE USERS who are eager to have any functionalities under the same roof.

More advanced geeks usually prefer specialized programs to perform each single task offered by this GAOTD.

For instance, as disk junk and privacy internet cleaner, this magic FREE tool is much better than this GAOTD and, in my view, even than the overrated "CCleaner":


Another good FREE product is also “Portable DisCleaner” (32 bit only):


Full Online Tutorial:

See also:

As REGISTRY OPTIMIZER, "Auslogics Registry Defrag" (http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/registry-defrag) is far better than the similar tool provided by this GAOTD.

To repair internet connection the freeware "TCP Optimizer" (http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php) is more complete than the INTERNET TUNER offered by this GAOTD etc...

Ahraf asked himself, I quote, "why the bloody hell does Ashampoo need to confuse us by having three different versions of WinOptimizer (WinOptimizer Free, WinOptimizer 20XX, and WinOptimizer XX)???"

LOL...heck, maybe because they use this service to grab email addresses in the hope we buy the full commercial version of their GAOTDs offered here for FREE (in this case WinOptimizer 10)??

Overall this GAOTD deserves a THUMBS UP, but as usual I can't see any reason to download it taking into account that:

- it doesn't refer to the main commercial program
- it cannot be updated for FREE



Finally, once you have finished to optimize your system, you can even test for FREE your PC performance (CPU, RAM, HDD, 2D Graphics, 3D Gaming Graphics etc…) to find out its real speed, so as to make sure that it’s running at its top speed!!!




In my humble view, to make them more appealing, GAOTD products like this should have the UPDATE limitation extended for at least 6 months, otherwise it doesn't make sense to download them unless you are not aware of better FREE ALTERNATIVE of course!!


Giovanni tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (+242)

What a surprise, the moderator/censor has again decided that a lighthearted observation about a weak product description doesn't deserve publication but bland praise does. I submitted this before #2 and 4:

Someone should take the thesaurus away from Ashampoo’s marketing department immediately before they hurt themselves!
I read the description of the software and still have very little idea what this application does. LOL
“will stand for modern technology, efficiency, security and intuitive handling” (wow)
“maintenance automatisms” (say that 3 times real fast)
“unrivaled homogeneous handling concept” (huh?)
“invariably intuitive handling” (say what?)
“direct link to the Windows recycle bin” (an uninstall omen?)
Comment by GreeneyedNewbieNovice — April 3rd, 2013 at 3:22 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

GreeneyedNewbieNovice tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (+167)

Oh boy, here we go again. By now everyone is aware of this publisher's tactics. We are offered "WinOptimizer 2013". This is a software product that does not appear on their website or anywhere else for that matter. It is only offered here. So are we special or something? Not really. This is just their way to try to entice you into buying WinOptimizer 10. This offer is most likely better than WinOptimizer free but will lack certain features in hopes that will inspire you to purchase WinOptimizer 10. If they wanted to have a true giveaway, why not just offer WinOptimizer 10? Thank you for the great work GOTD team.

dadams tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (+153)

*Has over 20 built-in features, tools, and functionality that you would otherwise need to download multiple different programs to have
*Automatically creates a backup before making “critical” changes to your computer (e.g. registry changes), allowing you to undo changes as desired
*Has an always-free version

*Just like all jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none programs, WinOptimizer offers many features but most of these features are sub-par or gimmicky

Free Alternatives
ToolWiz Care
WinUtilities Free

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (+147)

"The program is available for $39.99 (for WinOptimizer 10), but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer." Is what is said under price in the info box. But then it says we can upgrade to WinOptimizer 10 for only $15.99 instead of $39.99? So it's not really a giveaway software. Sounds more like a dumbed down version of the newest. Basically a "free" edition.

Levitiquetus tarafından yorumlandı  –  11 years ago  –  Bu yorumu yararlı buldunuz mu? evet | hayır (+61)

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